ANRPC recently announced the release of its new Natural Rubber Trends and Statistics. Based on ANRPC’s preliminary estimates, the world production of natural rubber (NR) registered a fall of 6.5% (4.930 million tons) during the first five months of 2019, on a year-to-year basis. Meanwhile, the world consumption recorded 5.789 million tons, 0.9% increase (5.376 million tons) during the same period last year. This favorable market fundamentals have kept the sentiment in NR market strong despite the tension between China and US, ANRPC reports.

The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries is organizing the 12th edition of its Annual Rubber Conference on October 7, 2019. The Government of Indonesia is hosting the conference in Hotel Tentrem, Yogyakarta. Focused on the theme “Adaptive and Inclusive Path to Sustainable Value Chain”, the program for the conference is structured into a keynote speech, five talks and a panel discussion represented by key policymakers of NR sector in the 13 ANRPC member countries which are Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, India, Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and Singapore. The event is expected to have about 350 participants from around 20 countries, representing farmers, farmer cooperatives, processors, traders, end-users, policymakers, researchers, rubber associations, investment banks, hedge funds and the media. Further details can be obtained by contacting ANRPC via its website.

Article by ANRPC.