Scandinavian company Enviro stated that it conducts negotiations with a US company EE-TDF Cleveland LLC, a Denmark-based WindSpace A/S, and a Canada-based enterprise Treadcraft Limited after voicing earlier plans to construct tire recycling facilities that would rely on its patented tire pyrolysis technology. Even though the initial deadline has passed, Enviro says that the chances for realization of these plans remain quite high. The construction has been discussed by the parties for more than a year.

For instance, the Danish colleagues showed their intent to construct plant using Enviro’s tire pyrolysis systems within 18 months after signing a MoU May last year. According to CEO Enviro, Mr. Sörensson, the Danish company will work closely with his company to come up with financial solutions. Only after this, it will be possible to present a final agreement.

Mr. Sörensson prefers has not yet provided concrete dates that would see the projects with all three global companies to be fully implemented. However, he stresses that all sides are still looking forward to finalizing the deals.