British government commences consultations aimed at overhauling the waste system via reducing plastic contamination; the step encouraging recycling is expected to bring the island nation closer to circular economy. The consultations are likely to result in a more widely-used Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) not only for such waste as plastics, but for scrap tires as well.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme is anticipated to regulate expenses that will emerge following these consultations and initiatives advancing recycling. According to the scheme, the industry players who apply packaging that is difficult to recycle or reuse, will have to cover greater fees. In overall, EPR for packaging will get an annual sum of between £800 million and £1 billion for recycling and clearance.

Some tire industry representatives have already formed a lobby in an attempt to promote the validation of an EPR scheme on a national level. The support for the plan was earlier voiced by several members of the Tyre Recovery Association (TRA) that seek ways to handle unsanctioned scrap tire dumping, facilitate tire collection and recycling.

The consultations come at a time when the British government is preparing to introduce its new Environment Bill.

Article by GOV.UK.