Tire pyrolysis equipment manufacturer Klean Industries Inc. has announced that it is expanding its partnership with Reoil, which uses patented tire pyrolysis technology to develop sustainable industrial solutions for end-of-life tires. Klean Industries Inc. designs and builds projects for processing hydrocarbon-based waste, such as end-of-life tires.

Klean and Reoil have reached an agreement to launch KleanLoop, an artificial intelligence (AI) tracking and identification technology developed by Klean and its partners, at a reference facility in Bukowno, Poland.

"With the integration of KleanLoop, we are poised to further fulfill the commitment to closed-loop operations and transparency in this pivotal industry," Reoil founder Michal Mikuskiewicz stated.

It is expected that the plant's end-of-life tire recycling will improve and become more transparent with the incorporation of Klean Loop. According to Klean, the Klean Loop streamlines environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting for stakeholders upstream and downstream. This includes calculating the CO2 effect and offset along the supply chain.

Anders Bergman, president of European operations and head of the Klean Loop at Klean, said, “The choice to integrate the Klean Loop into a prominent and commercially established project in the end-of-life tire (ELT) domain marks a significant milestone for the platform. This platform will significantly contribute to achieving the objectives for genuine circularity within product lifecycles.”

Jesse Klinkhamer, CEO of Klean, said, “Both Reoil and Klean have been trailblazers in the tire pyrolysis realm, specializing in the production of premium recovered carbon blacks. Together, we have pioneered a new industry, boasting a proven platform that distinguishes us from others in end-of-life tire management options.”

For more information, proceed to Klean Industries website.