In June, AZuR network coordinator Christina Guth moderated a kick-off meeting of authorities, road construction companies, science and research, as well as the tire and recycling industry representatives that decided to found an official project group on the subject of rubberized asphalt.

AZuR network wants open up funding opportunities and commission studies in order to install significantly more rubber asphalt in the future. In this meeting, the project group discussed the current status, obstacles, objectives and how to proceed, explore the potential of rubber-modified asphalt and shape the future of an infrastructure.

AZuR and its network partners are jointly committed to "new ways and innovative solutions for an ecologically and economically sensible tire cycle", according to their website. Recently, those responsible around network coordinator Christina Guth and Stephan Rau, managing director of the German Rubber Industry Association (WdK), under whose patronage AZuR is located, invited to a digital kick-off meeting, at which a possible solution was discussed comprehensively in accordance with the aforementioned goal became: rubber-modified asphalt. According to AZuR's wishes, this should replace the traditionally used polymer-modified asphalt and enable the industry to "sensibly recycle" at least part of the old tires that accumulate in Germany.

To learn more about the project, proceed to the article by