Ecopneus reaffirms its commitment to the extra target collection in 2024, ensuring efficiency, transparency, and strict management of financial resources. The Ministry of Environment and Energy Security has set an additional target for the collection of end-of-life tires (ELTs) in 2024, urging the national ELT management system to increase the annual target by up to 10% (from 95% to 105% of the market input).

Ecopneus has promptly responded to this request to address a critical situation, redefining its activities through the end of the year to meet the new extra target collection levels, while maintaining its environmental contribution.

In 2023, the Consortium managed approximately 20,000 tonnes of ELTs beyond the legal target, significantly contributing to the operational efficiency of the entire system.

"By ensuring maximum efficiency and legal compliance, Ecopneus will meet this request in 2024, committing to the extra target collection of ELTs in every Italian province, up to a maximum of 10% beyond its designated responsibility. Through efficient planning and strict, transparent management of financial resources, as reported to MASE, the supervisory body, and to citizens via our website and annual Sustainability Report, the Consortium’s goal is to avoid an increase in the environmental fee paid by consumers when purchasing new tires. However, as discussed in relevant institutional forums, the issue of extra collection is an urgent matter, and addressing it effectively requires a comprehensive reform of national extended producer responsibility regulations to ensure greater transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain," commented Alessandro Marchisio, President of Ecopneus.

To read the full information from the original article, visit the Ecopneus website.