ISRI 2021 Convention & Exposition
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) organizes an annual event “ISRI 2021 – Convention & Exposition” which is going to be held online on April 22-29, 2021.
A section devoted to tire recycling will be held on April 28, 2021, at 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM EDT and will be titled “Tire and Rubber Spotlight: Policy and Regulations in Focus.”
ISRI highlights that for tire and rubber recyclers, developments at the state and local levels are taking on increased importance as the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to tighter budgets and reviews of where recycling programs rank among budget priorities. At the same time, increased scrutiny at state legislatures across the country has the potential to raise regulatory costs and requirements for tire recyclers, compounding already challenging market conditions.
Join ISRI’s event for a timely discussion on what challenges tire and rubber recyclers may face this year, and how ISRI both can help respond to obstacles and generate opportunities.
To learn more about the event and register, please proceed to the official website.