From factory to freeway, digitalisation is driving fundamental changes at companies throughout the tire industry supply-chain as well as the customers and markets they serve.

The ERJ Future Tire Conference 2020 will explore how tire makers, distributors and retailers and their suppliers of materials, equipment and technology are adapting to the challenges and opportunities of the digitial era.

This will include spotlighting successful strategies and actions being adopted by major companies and suppliers in transitioning their businesses and markets to the IT-based manufacture, supply and retail of tires.

Future Tire 2020, therefore, aims to advance the tire industry’s understanding of automated handling & tracking, internet selling, tires-as-a-service and blockchain as well as of enabling technologies such as AI, IIoT, Industry 4.0 and Industrial 5G.

Presentations will focus particularly be on steps being taken by leading players to harness the power of data across all stages: from production, testing and handling to distribution & retail and ultimately what happens after the rubber hits the road.

During the conference, visitors will learn about the importance of sustainability when building and improving tire business, no matter if stakeholders are involved in production, recycling or supply sectors, as circular economy is expected to have an impact on all. The events will provide an insight into managing recycling considering carbon print reduction and taking into account human health and environment protection.

The invited speaker Secretary General at European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers' Association (ETRMA) Fazilet Cinaralp will provide more helpful details for enterpreneurs and tire industry experts about sustainability in her announced talk “Advancing Sustainability in the Tire Industry”

Additionally, some speakers will shed light on the most burning issues that surround the tire recycling industry, for instance, Global Market Development Manager, Specialty Elastomer and Butyl Business at ExxonMobil Chemica, Arancha Guisuraga will give a talk on future changes in carbon black.

To learn more about the event and register, please proceed to the official website.