As the construction of the Uddevalla recycling plant continues, Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB (publ) (Enviro) has released a half-year report.

Second quarter 2024

  • Net revenues for the period were MSEK 58.5(3.6)
  • Earnings after tax for the period were MSEK 30.5 (-25.3)
  • Earnings per share for the period (before dilution) was SEK 0.04 (-0.03)
  • Cash flow for the period after investments was MSEK -52.4 (-27.0)
  • Enviro receives additional MSEK 54 payment for costs incurred, of which half in cash and half as ownership share in joint venture
  • Enviro’s recovered pyrolysis oil has been successfully processed by Neste into raw materials for chemicals and plastics

Period of January - June 2024

  • Net revenues for the period were MSEK 116.2 (7.7)
  • Earnings after tax for the period were MSEK 61.3 (-49.7)
  • Earnings per share for the period (before dilution) was SEK 0.08 (-0.07)
  • Cash flow for the period after investments was MSEK -58.3 (-56.0)
  • Enviro, Michelin and Antin announces final investment decision for plant in Uddevalla
  • In total the Company has received MSEK 107 during the first half year, of which half in cash and half as ownership share in joint venture
  • Fredrik Emilson new CEO of Enviro
  • The construction of the Enviro’s plant in Uddevalla has received starting notice

Significant events after end of period

  • Enviro receives order for 500 tons of tire pyrolysis oil from repeat customer
  • Enviro has received MSEK 25.6 in milestone compensation of which half in ownership in the joint venture.

This disclosure contains information that Scandinavian Enviro Systems is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 22-08-2024 08:30 CET.