Pyrum Innovations AG, in collaboration with Schwalbe, has reached a significant milestone in their tire recycling program, with 1,000,000 bicycle tires successfully collected, recycled, and reintroduced into the material cycle. This achievement highlights the effective partnership between the two companies in advancing sustainable solutions within the circular economy.

The collaboration between Pyrum and Schwalbe has resulted in the development of an innovative recycling system that closes the loop on tire waste. A key outcome of this partnership is the incorporation of recycled carbon black (rCB) into 70% of Schwalbe’s product range. By replacing traditional fossil fuel-based carbon black with rCB, the initiative has reduced carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 80%.

According to Pyrum, the program allows consumers to purchase high-quality, performance-driven tires that contribute to environmental sustainability without compromising on design or cost. This approach demonstrates how industry collaboration and innovation can drive progress in reducing the carbon footprint of everyday products.

Pyrum and Schwalbe plan to continue their efforts in tire recycling and sustainability, aiming to further expand the impact of their partnership in the future.

For more information, follow Pyrum's LinkedIn page.