Ahead of this year's Recovered Carbon Black Europe Conference (Amsterdam, November 5-6, 2024), Smithers recently spoke with rCB expert Michał Mikuśkiewicz, Representative of the Management Board at Reoil and one of the conference speakers.

Smithers' exclusive interview covers a sneak peek of what you can expect from Recovered Carbon Black Europe 2024, as well as how the industry is developing today.

For everyone interested in the conference, Smithers and Weibold have prepared a special PROMO CODE “RCB1024”, which gives a special 10% discount. To register for the conference and use the promo code, please proceed to the event’s website and enter the code in the end of your registration.

Find below an excerpt from the interview:

– What key trends do you see playing out this year and next for the rCB sector?

– The rCB sector is constantly changing, with new solutions and implementations appearing every year. We are seeing an increasing interest in the production of virgin CB blends with rCB, a trend that has already been addressed technologically in part of the design documentation for Reoil's new plant. Another interesting topic is the use of TPO for the production of so-called sCB, where we are also seeing increasing interest in TPO from the world's largest carbon black producers, who have already expressed their interest in TPO in the form of confirmed orders for large volumes. Another trend is the emergence of... read more

– Tell us a bit more about the themes you will be focusing on in your presentations

– During the presentation, I will focus on Reoil's history and strategy for the future - i.e. organic growth and grassroots work versus other projects where the most important thing is to present expectations for the future and meet investors' expectations. Another important part will be the presentation of positive cash flow from current operations. I will also talk about the cooperation within the Zeppelin Tire Alliance project and the importance of expanding projects in our industry to the concept of "industry standard" with all its capex implications. I will also touch on... read more

– You are a frequent participant of this event - what is it that draws you back each year?

– I have attended every rCB conference and have seen the community and interest in the field grow. Every year, we meet new people and companies that present technologies, products and solutions that the entire industry can benefit from. The rCB conference has become the main place... read more

Find the full interview at the Smither's website.

For more information about Recovered Carbon Black 2024, visit the event’s website or contact Tom Sawicki: tsawicki@smithers.com.. Don’t forget to use your 10% discount PROMO CODE “RCB1024” at checkout.