Robert Weibold speaks at Tire Technology Expo 2022 in Hannover on May 18-20
Tire Technology Expo is Europe’s most important tire manufacturing technology exhibition and conference.
With exhibits from many of the world's most important suppliers to the tire manufacturing industry plus a major conference, workshop program and industry-leading awards dinner, Tire Technology Expo is a must-attend industry event.
Among the confirmed conference speakers will be Robert Weibold – the founder and managing director of Weibold, consulting company focused on tire recycling and pyrolysis.
On day 1 of the event, the Mr. Weibold will deliver a speech "Sustainable production of carbon black with tire pyrolysis oil", where he will explain why pyrolysis processes are an efficient, viable and sustainable approach for the valorization of end-of-life tires into oil, gas and recovered carbon black (rCB). rCB is an irreplaceable component in tires.
The current feedstocks utilized in rCB production are fossil-fuel-based resources and therefore susceptible to volatile oil prices in addition to the associated high CO2 emission. It is shown that a transition from current feedstocks to alternative feedstocks derived via pyrolysis of end-of-life tires is the most plausible long-term pathway to ensure sustainable production of rCB at reduced costs. Robert Weibold will tell more about this important step toward a circular economy.
About the Tire Technology Expo
On May 18-20, 2022, the industry representatives will get a chance to attend the Europe’s biggest tire producing technology exhibition and conference, Tire Technology Expo 2022, which will be held in Deutsche Messe, Hannover, Germany. The leading showcase for the global tire design, development and manufacturing industry will be held for the 22nd time.
Tire Technology Expo 2022 Show Highlights from UKi Media & Events on Vimeo
Visitors, exhibitors and conference delegates will enjoy a networking opportunity that is unrivaled within the tire manufacturing sector.
Tire Technology Expo 2022 offers visitors the world’s premier technology showcase, with exhibits of equipment and materials covering the complete spectrum of the tire manufacturing process.
To learn more about the event and register, please proceed to the official website.
Weibold is an international consulting company specializing exclusively in end-of-life tire recycling and pyrolysis. Since 1999, we have helped companies grow and build profitable businesses.