Swedish Tire Recycler Association, SDAB or Svensk Däckåtervinning AB, together with the social research and data analytics agency Kantar Public, has mapped what the Swedish public's knowledge of tire recycling looks like.

SDAB collaborated with Kantar Public to conduct a survey to gain a better understanding of the Swedish public's knowledge regarding tire recycling, from collection to areas of use. The survey was done via a nationally representative and randomly recruited online panel, the Sifo panel, with 1,000 participants from the Swedish public aged 18-79.

The results indicate that the majority of participants have a positive attitude towards tire recycling and recycling materials to create new products. However, the survey also shows that the knowledge regarding recycled tire material, collection rate, areas of use, and the tire recycling system's practical implications for consumers is relatively limited.

SDAB plans to continue conducting opinion polls to increase awareness of tire recycling and the recycled tire raw material, especially with the modernization of Sweden's tire recycling system.

According to SDAB’s Communications Manager, Frida Grunewald, the new business model brings opportunities to educate and inform about tire recycling and the recycled tire raw material.

Press release by SDAB.