Greater efficiency in protecting the environment, promoting the circular economy and promoting balanced and loyal relations between all operators in the sector are the main objectives of the Code of Best Practices.

Adine, Cetraa, Conepa, the Spanish Recovery and Recycling Federation, Ganvam, Open, Signus and TNU signed the document that reflects the relationship between all the agents involved in the collection and management of end-of-life tires, which is entitled: "Code of Best Practices for the Management of End-of-Life Tires".

With the signing of this document, article 12.3 of Royal Decree 731/2020 is fulfilled, which includes the need to formalize a 'Voluntary Code of Best Practices for the Management of End-of-Life Tires', which promotes balanced and loyal relations among all the operators involved in this waste stream and contribute to the use of best practices in the development of these relationships.

With the application of this Code of Best Practices, it is also intended to promote a better development of the circular economy in this sector by establishing, from the moment the waste is generated, measures related to the correct storage of end-of-life tires at generation points, and their subsequent delivery to an authorized manager for valuation. Undoubtedly, this agreement will achieve better results in tire management, and a correct development of relations between the different agents involved in the waste management chain.

The General Deputy Director of Circular Economy Ms. Margarita Ruíz Saiz-Aja, highlighted the willingness and will to reach consensus and agree on this document included in the development of RD 731/2020.

Each of the signatory entities will make the content of this Code known through their own channels in the coming days, in order to achieve the widest possible dissemination of it.

Source: TNU.