Enviro – a Swedish tire pyrolysis operator and equipment supplier – report they are currently in an intense phase of scaling up the industrialisation of its tire pyrolysis technology. The company’s expansion plan is gradually being implemented, with the aim of establishing recycling capacity of a total of 900,000 tonnes of end-of-life tyres by 2030.

Preparing to realize the plan, the company recently hired an automation engineer. Mikael Tunberg will play an important role in the upcoming establishment of new plants around the world.

“It’s very inspiring to be part of Enviro's continued journey and to be able to contribute to realizing the vision that the company has worked towards for so many years. Even though I have only been here for a couple of days, it’s clear that there’s a strong conviction about what we are doing and what we want to achieve.

Mikael Tunberg is the latest addition to Enviro's team in the role of automation engineer. Mikael has ten years of experience in automation and has, among others, worked at COWI, where he was in the construction team of the LNG terminals in Nynäshamn and Lysekil, and in the Port of Gothenburg where he was technical manager for automation and instruments.

“As an automation engineer at Enviro, I will mainly focus on system control, programming, as well as educating the operators. When I came in contact with Enviro and read about their history and vision going forward, it was an easy decision to join the company”, says Mikael Tunberg. “Mikael brings great knowledge and long experience of complex construction projects to the company. He will be valuable in our work to establish new plants and I’m glad to be able to welcome him into the team”, says Thomas Sörensson, CEO of Enviro.

Press release by Enviro.