Tyre Recycling Solutions SA (TRS) is a limited company established in 2013 in Switzerland. TRS builds global solutions for the collection, processing and recycling of scrap tires through the development and implementation of innovative technologies and business processes.

The TRS technology toolbox utilizes a unique water-jet milling process which can produce high performance powder for use as raw materials in a variety of industrial rubber products and high value applications and compounds. TRS derives its revenue from equipment sales, licenses and sale of high-performance rubber powder under its globally trademarked brand name TyreXolTM.

According to TRS, not all rubber powders are created equal. TRS’s proprietary process starts with a highly specialized water-jet system that pulverizes tire tread into fine powder, free from steel and synthetic fibres. Heat- and chemical-free jet milling ensures the highest quality fine powder outputs. Some of the benefits that can be observed when using TyreXolTM rubber powder into rubber end-products are the increase of tear strength and higher abrasion resistance while maintaining rolling resistance.

TyreXolTM can be used at much higher loading than conventionally produced rubber powders.

Learn more about TRS’s tire recycling process here.