Despite its opposition to Extended Producer Responsibility in the UK, the Tyre Recovery Association (TRA) welcomed the Indian government's initiative of an action plan to manage the country's growing waste volumes.

Waste tire arisings have grown enormously along with the country's fast growing car population, as have imports of end-of-life tires from several Western countries, some of which evidence suggests have ended up being handled in illegal or environmentally harmful ways.

The TRA believes that India's proposed new recycling regulations, which will be implemented later this year, will provide much-needed recycling compliance while also limiting often illegal end-of-life tires exports from western countries.

Tim Stott, TRA President says, “Illegal waste export activity involving tyres is something we in the UK have long lobbied to end”. He also adds that “It undermines responsible operators here at home where it inhibits further investment in domestic processing capacity and cheats on the motoring public who have a right to expect good practice. Sadly, the UK and most Western governments have been slow to act to restrain this trade but now are pleased to note that India itself as Asia’s largest importer of waste tyres is now doing so.”

It is important to note that the United Kingdom remains India's single largest exporter of waste, including end-of-life tires. As long as the UK government allows waste to be shipped to destinations where it loses control of the final use, it will be difficult to see any genuine development of the domestic tire recycling business in the UK.

Press release by Tyre Recovery Association.