Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) has published its 2023/24 Annual Report.

Together with its industry, research partners, and government, TSA is leading the charge to transform end-of-life tyre management across the nation. A commitment to innovation, sustainability and industry collaboration has yielded significant achievements over the past decade and paved the way for a more circular tyre economy in Australia.

Key highlights of the TSA's last 12 months include:

  • ACCC Reauthorisation: Recognition of the industry’s commitment to sustainable outcomes with the ACCC’s reauthorisation of the Tyre Stewardship Scheme for another three years until 2027.
  • Minister's Priority List: For the second consecutive year, tyres were listed on the Commonwealth Minister’s Product Stewardship Priority List.
  • EOLT Options Project led by WA: TSA continues to support the National End-of-Life Tyres Options Project and contributed to the Western Australian Government, which is leading the development of the Discussion Paper.
  • Global Thought Leadership: Global stewardship presentations and Canberra roundtable meetings, bringing global stewards together with tyre contributors, accredited retailers, recyclers, collectors, and government.
  • Market Development Fund: $10 million invested in 70+ pioneering projects through the Market Development Fund, driving the development of tyre-derived material in products and applications.
  • Research Leadership: Research to better understand carbon emissions associated with end-of-life tyres, including studies on Life Cycle Assessment and pyrolysis, broadening understanding of the environmental impacts and opportunities in tyre recycling in Australia.
  • Enhanced Expertise: New Research Advisory Committee increases capabilities and expertise, enabling better assessment of inherent risks and opportunities in each funding application.
  • Off-The-Road (OTR) Tyre Sector: Continued engagement with the mining industry to address sustainability challenges related to off-the-road tyres and conveyor belts.
  • ISO & Carbon Neutral Certification: TSA receives ISO certification and becomes a certified carbon neutral organisation.

Click here to view/download Tyre Stewardship Australia's 2023/24 Annual Report.