Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA) reports that an innovative campaign has been launched enabling members of the community to help tackle the problem of dumped and stockpiled tires. Tyre Stewardship Australia has partnered with the Snap Send Solve reporting application to develop an easy way for members of the public to report local stockpiles or dumping hotspots. The free smartphone app will help monitor where waste tires are being dumped or stockpiled.

TSA’s CEO Lina Goodman says that should a person see some dumped waste tires or a derelict tire stockpile, he/she can simply make a photo and send a report using the app. The appropriate authority can then be alerted, and the problem can be solved.

Only 10 per cent of the almost 56 million tires discarded annually in Australia are presently domestically recycled. The rest are either exported overseas or disposed to landfill, stockpiled and illegally dumped. Ms. Goodman thinks that understanding how people can work together to ‘stop the stockpile’ that is generated by illegal operators is the first step in finding sustainable end outcomes for a greater number of used tires in Australia.

A not-for-profit organization, Tyre Stewardship Australia was formed five years ago to implement the national Tyre Product Stewardship Scheme which promotes the development of viable markets for end-of-life tires. Snap Send Solve is a platform that enables authorities and their customers to identify and solve local issues for the benefit of communities across Australia and New Zealand.

“Users capture and send photos of issues that need attention - from cracked pavements and dumped rubbish to water faults and sick & injured animals - and ensure that the correct authorities are provided with the necessary information to respond,” said the CEO and Founder of Snap Send Solve, Danny Gorog.

“Now users can easily report not just rubbish, but more specifically dumped or stockpiled waste tires. The reports will be provided to the relevant Council for resolution, as well as Tyre Stewardship Australia who will monitor hotspots and communicate directly with tire retailers, state and local authorities to stamp out poor behaviour.”

“While TSA is not responsible for regulating or cleaning up stockpiles, we are part of the solution. We want to work with the community and Councils to avoid the situation in the first place and ensure that more tires find a sustainable end outcome,” Ms. Goodman said.

One of the Melbourne councils using the app is the City of Port Phillip. Mayor Dick Gross has welcomed the addition of tires as a new category. He asserts this means authorities can gain a better understanding of where the hot spots are and thus deal with the dumped or stockpiled tires faster. TSA says there are currently up to 9 major known stockpiles around the country which cost around $5M each to clean up.

The app is free to download from the App Store or Google Play and available online.

Press release by TSA.