New Zealand’s Tyrewise programme has launched with impressive results, significantly surpassing its collection and recycling targets in its first reporting period from September 1 to December 31, 2024.

Key achievements:

  • 21,200 tonnes of end-of-life tyres collected (target: 8,000 tonnes)
  • 7,749 tonnes processed into tyre-derived fuel and products (target: 5,000 tonnes)
  • 7,098 tonnes used in manufacturing (target: 5,500 tonnes)

These figures mark a major shift from past practices, where tyres were often dumped or relocated rather than recycled. Tyrewise’s success in engaging the tyre trade has been instrumental in achieving these numbers, demonstrating strong industry participation and support.

The challenge ahead: Converting collection into sustainable recycling While Tyrewise has excelled in collection, ensuring all tyres are recycled in an environmentally responsible manner remains the next big challenge. Like many stewardship and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes, the key goal is to align collection volumes with effective recycling solutions.

A unique advantage for New Zealand is that, as an island nation without domestic tyre production, Tyrewise can track exactly how many tyres enter the country, giving it accurate data for long-term planning and sustainable management.

With such a promising start, Tyrewise is well on its way to establishing a successful and transparent tyre stewardship programme, setting a strong example for circular economy initiatives worldwide.

Article by Tyrewise.