After the recent release of the 14th Scrap Tire Management Report, U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association’s (USTMA) has scheduled a webinar “What happens to scrap tires in the U.S.?” The webinar will become a review of the USTMA 2019 Scrap Tire Management Summary Report.

The report highlights that moving the world forward requires all stakeholders in tire recycling industry to act today with purpose and to share with key stakeholders one’s progress and commitment to sustainability, including tire safety, environmental stewardship and the communities one serves. To learn more about the report, please read our article here.

The webinar will help take a closer look at the report's findings to discuss data and key results and learn more about USTMA's commitment to achieving our long-term sustainability vision that all scrap tires enter sustainable, circular end-use markets and our work with state and federal agencies and recyclers to reach that goal.

The event’s speakers are:

  • Sarah Amick – Vice President, EHS&S and Senior Counsel at USTMA
  • John Sheerin – Director, End-of-Life Tire Programs at USTMA

NOTE: Registration space is limited. Should this even reach capacity, a follow-up event will be scheduled. To register, please visit the website of USTMA’s event.