Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife reports that a low-level tire dumping is a problem all over the United States.

State Fish and Wildlife officials are asking people to stop dumping tires in the Colombia Basin of the Colombia River. Recently, staff at the wildlife area displayed more than 500 illegally dumped tires they’ve collected over the past two years in the wildlife area.

The issue is a consequence of the United States' lack of tire recovery coherence. It comes after a succession of tire amnesties and clean-up days around the United States. These incidents would be less common if the tire recovery system was completely functional.

The tires are headed to the Department of Ecology’s waste tire collection program but Fish and Wildlife said a better option is for people to take advantage of local tire recycling programs instead of dumping them on public lands.

The Columbia Basin Wildlife covers more than 192,000 acres that include the Ancient Lakes and Frenchman Coulee areas outside Quincy.

Original article by NCW Life.