Weibold spoke at Circular Economy in Tyre and Rubber Recycling Industry Conference in India, July 15
On July 15, 2022 Robert Weibold, a tire recycling and pyrolysis consultant from Vienna, Austria, was invited to speak at the National Policy Conference on Circular Economy in Tyre and Rubber Recycling Industry in India.
The topic Mr. Weibold's presented was called "European Management of End-of-Life Tires: Management Systems, Status Quo, Trends, Reaching Circularity."
Robert Weilbold at the National Conference/Circular Economy in Tire & Rubber Recycling Industry. | Video by The Policy Times.
About the event
The event took place at Crown Plaza (Mayur Vihar) New Delhi (Noida) on Friday July 15, 2022.
Speakers at the event. | Information by National Policy Conference on Circular Economy in Tyre and Rubber Recycling Industry in India.
The conference was organised by The Policy Times, JK Tyre, Apollo Tyres, Material Recycling Association of India (MRAI) and Tinna. The event became one of the largest gatherings of the tyre and rubber recycling industry, OEMs, tyre companies, government officials & ministries, international organisations, etc.
Speakers and agenda:
Agenda of the event. | Information by National Policy Conference on Circular Economy in Tyre and Rubber Recycling Industry in India.
Weibold is an international consulting company specializing exclusively in end-of-life tire recycling and pyrolysis. Since 1999, we have helped companies grow and build profitable businesses.