Klean Industries Inc. – a Canada-based cleantech company specialized in the conversion of waste into energy and recovered resources and tire waste pyrolysis company – has partnered with Kodexe for the development and implementation the KleanLoop DApp Blockchain SAS, a platform which will be used to tokenize all waste and recyclables on the global marketplace. The platform will also make it possible to manage the whole supply chain for all initiatives including recycling, waste processing, and waste-to-energy.

It is intended to integrate the fully operational KleanLoop blockchain technology with the Oregon-based Klean Industries facility, which will recycle about 160 metric tons of used tires every day.

When completed, the project is expected to be the biggest fully continuous tire pyrolysis facility in North America, with a focus on creating premium Recovered Carbon Black (rCB) and Recovered Fuel Oil (rFO). Then, with one of the biggest producers of carbon black in the world, both products will be re-integrated for reuse directly in the supply chain for carbon black manufacturing.

The initiative is being described as the first fully circular tire recycling project in North America and aims to establish a completely transparent recycling and manufacturing sector, making the Boardman plant the first tire recycling project and waste processing facility on the blockchain. The plant will benefit from a completely integrated track and trace program for everything it collects and produces, including scrap tire collection, recovered carbon black sales, and the project's carbon emission offset.

“With an increasingly regulated industry, data is the only way we can solve the global waste crisis,” said Jesse Klinkhamer, CEO of Klean Industries. “The industry needs true and accurate data that we can rely on. It’s critically important that industry becomes more compliant and sustainable, and the KleanLoop is the system we need that provides transparency throughout the entire supply chain. We are confident that this innovation is the solution that can and will achieve that.”

Kodexe has joined Klean Industries as a key shareholder as per the conditions of the agreement. Klean Industries developed the initial ideas for the patent-pending KleanLoop process.

To learn more about the KleanLoop DApp Blockchain SAS, please visit the project's website.