Obituary – Dr. Valerie Shulman, Secretary General of the European Tyre Recycling Association
One of the most colorful personalities in the tire recycling and pyrolysis world – Dr. Valerie Shulman – recently passed away after a long battle with cancer. Dr. Shulman made an enormous contribution to our industry and we are very sad for our loss. We would like to express sincere condolences to Dr. Shulman’s family and remind to our audience about how Dr. Shulman was supporting and developing our industry.
As a Secretary General of the European Tyre Recycling Association (ETRA) for over 30 years, for many Dr. Shulman was the face and voice of the Association. As Secretary General of ETRA, she helped defend interests of European tire recyclers in the highest offices in the European Commission, fighting for the future of the industry.
Dr. Valerie Shulman winning the Lifetime Achievement Award, Recircle Awards. | Photo by ETRA.
We cannot thank Dr. Schulman enough for following persistently and with full energy her vision to eliminate waste tires from landfills and turn them into better uses. Dr. Schulman was an inspiration for so many people around the world and helped in so many ways to establish a major industry which is focused on making the planet a better place to live.
This year, Valerie Shulman gained the first Lifetime Achievement Award (inaugural Recircle Awards) for her enormous efforts in promoting tire recycling industry in Europe.
Our industry will heartbrokenly miss Valerie Shulman and we hereby express sincerest condolences to Valerie’s family. We encourage you to read Valerie Shulman’s life story to meet a bright and outstanding person she was and learn much more about her.
Weibold is an international consulting company specializing exclusively in end-of-life tire recycling and pyrolysis. Since 1999, we have helped companies grow and build profitable businesses.