Roads & Infrastructure Australia – an online magazine devoted to pavement systems and construction in the country – recently highlighted that Australia’s waste problem has been improving with recycled road construction – rubberized asphalt from recycled tires in particular.

In an article from November 4, 2021 the magazine writes:

“Recycled road base uses a range of different materials to create an alternative asphalt mix. These materials can include: crushed concrete, recycled asphalt, plastic bags, recycled plastics, printer waste toner and cartridges, glass, and crumb rubber (recycled end-of-life tires).

“As part of a worldwide movement to improve recycling, Australia has started to produce roads using recycled plastics, glass and crumb rubber. Most notably the first Australian road made entirely out of recycled materials opened in central Adelaide in February of 2020. The road is made from reclaimed asphalt pavers and vegetable oil from local producers which is believed to be 25 per cent stronger than standard asphalt.”

According to the magazine, the use of recycled tires and plastic in road bases has also been trialled in other states including Queensland, Tasmania and New South Wales. Victoria also trialled a new road base product on a Melbourne road in May of 2019. According to the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, roughly 200,000 plastic bags and packaging, 63,000 glass bottles, toner from 4,500 used printer cartridges and 50 tonnes recycled asphalt were used to build the road.

To read the full article, proceed to Roads & Infrastructure Australia magazine. We also encourage you to read more about recent improvements in rubberized asphalt in Australia.