Scandinavian Enviro Systems (Enviro) has welcomed Björn Larsson as the head of strategic purchasing and Josefin Wallman as the program manager. Both Larsson and Wallman will play central roles in executing the company's expansion plan, developed in partnership with Antin Infrastructure Partners (Antin).

Björn Larsson will have responsibility for purchasing in connection with new recycling plants and Josefin Wallman will act as project manager for the establishment of future recycling plants, including the planned plant in Uddevalla.

As program manager, Josefin Wallman is tasked with project responsibility for the establishment of the Uddevalla plant as well as future plants in Europe. The Uddevalla plant is intended to be the first plant established as part of the joint venture formed between Enviro and Antin Infrastructure Partners. The joint venture is supported by Michelin and plans to establish plants across Europe by 2030 with a total recycling capacity of up to one million metric tons of end-of-life tires per year. After successfully commissioning the plant in Uddevalla, the roll-out of the previously communicated plan will accelerate. Björn Larsson is head of strategic purchasing in connection with the establishment of new recycling plants, a role that includes responsibility for construction of the plants and purchases of related equipment. In this role, he will lead a newly formed group of commodity managers.

Extensive preparatory work has been ongoing for some time in the joint venture formed by Enviro and Antin ahead of the definitive investment decision concerning the plant in Uddevalla. The company will hold its first Board meeting in June of this year. During the summer, Enviro and Antin will continue to prepare the requisite supporting documentation ahead of the coming decision.

“Antin is a leading European infrastructure investor and has extensive experience in building stable business models that are attractive over the long term. However, as a major player in one of the most interesting investment segments, Antin sets very clear requirements for all decision supporting documentation, which has resulted in considerably more extensive preparatory work than we had anticipated. This is the reason why we have been unable to start construction in Uddevalla in line with our previous statements,” says Alf Blomqvist, Chairman of the Board of Enviro.

To find out more, proceed to Enviro’s website.