124 associations, representatives, universities, and companies in the tire recycling industry from across Europe support the AZuR Resolution for securing the future of used tire recycling.

To ensure the future of environmentally responsible used tire recycling in Europe, the Allianz Zukunft Reifen (AZuR) has drafted a resolution directed at European policymakers. The widely recognized resolution calls for all tires used within the European Union to be recycled or repurposed within the EU. It advocates for the sustainable manufacturing of new tires and for keeping used tires in the material cycle through retreading, material recycling, or chemical recycling.

On June 4, 2024, the AZuR Resolution was officially adopted at THE TIRE COLOGNE, supported by 124 EU representatives, associations, NGOs (such as the German Marine Conservation Foundation), universities, institutes, and companies in the tire recycling industry from across Europe. The next step involves delivering the resolution, complete with all signatures, to the responsible parties in the EU Commission, along with a demand for immediate action.

The realization of a sustainable tire circular economy, as a model for other industries and waste streams, is currently threatened by conflicting EU-level legislation. AZuR network coordinator Christina Guth emphasizes the urgency of swift action to achieve the ambitious climate goals of the Green Deal: “If we do not manage to set the course for a sustainable circular economy in Europe by 2030, the impact on climate, environment, economy, and jobs will be severe.”

You can find the Resolution on AZuR's website.