Join Weibold's webinars about tire recycling & pyrolysis business in May and June 2020
In May and June 2020, Weibold is hosting online webinars designed for anyone interested in tire recycling and pyrolysis business. This month, our webinars will cover not only introductory topics, but will also 1) help learn more about molded products from recycled tire rubber and 2) help established pyrolysis companies focused on recovered carbon black who would like to strengthen their business positions.
Introductory webinars
At the end of May Weibold is hosting two introductory webinars designed for project initiators, entrepreneurs and anyone who is contemplating a new tire recycling or pyrolysis business. On an introductory level, Weibold's webinars will shed light on economics and technology in tire recycling and pyrolysis both from theoretical and practical as well as business points of view.
Introduction to tire recycling (May 20, 2020)
The webinar will be conducted by Robert Weibold – an expert in tire recycling & pyrolysis consulting who started his career in 1990s as head of project management in several major turn-key tire recycling projects. Since 1999, Robert has been focusing on tire recycling and pyrolysis consulting and carried out over 200 projects in tire recycling and pyrolysis around the world.
The webinar takes place on May 20, at 9:00 CET and 16:00 CET. To learn more and register, press here.
Intoduction to molded recycled rubber products manufacturing (May 28, 2020)
Louis Selinger Romero – market development specialist at Weibold – will help understand market and technologies of molded products manufacturing. This webinar is designed for all parties who would like to launch new molded goods projects or diverisfy strams of income in their tire recycling business by integrating value-adding processes. On an introductory level, the webinar sheds light on recycled rubber molding technology from theoretical and practical as well as business standpoints.
The webinar takes place on May 28, at 9:00 CET and 16:00 CET. Read more about the webinar and register here.
Introduction to tire pyrolysis (May 29, 2020)
The webinar will be conducted by Andreas Kyriakos. A senior consultant at Weibold, Mr. Kyriakos supports associations, investors and start-ups in tire recycling projects. With emphasis on pyrolysis projects in recent years, his work includes big data analysis, LCAs and circularity reports, as well as feasibility studies, technology evaluations and business modeling.
The webinar takes place on May 29, at 9:00 CET and 16:00 CET. To learn more and register, press here.
At the conclusion of both of the introductory webinars, participants will:
- have been introduced to the concepts, chemistry, and physics of tire rubber and tire recycling
- have a high level understanding of the business of operating a plant
- possess a basic understanding of the tire recycling output products and their applications
- be aware of the challenges of creating and marketing tire recycling products
- be familiar with tire recycling terminology as well as product standards and specifications
- understand relevant technologies and their advantages and disadvantages
- be sensitized to the critical factors affecting the success of a planned plant
- have a recommended path for methodical planning from concept to operations
- be informed about possible business models
- know which regulatory aspects to consider
- be aware of the pitfalls when designing and operating tire recycling plants
Special topic: Recovered carbon black markets (June 3, 2020)
One of the webinars hosted by Weibold will be devoted to recovered carbon black (rCB) markets, where Weibold’s special guest, Martin von Wolfersdorff, will be the speaker. Martin von Wolfersdorff is a world-class expert in pyrolysis and recovered carbon black as well as marketing of specialty chemical materials. He is deeply involved in the industry, serves one of the organizers of the first global conference on recovered carbon black and has been supporting multinational companies in the tire pyrolysis sector, the tire industry, tire trade organizations, rubber and the plastics industries.

Martin von Wolfersdorff | Photo by Wolfersdorff Consulting.
This webinar is designed for tire pyrolysis operators, tire pyrolysis technology providers, investors, rCB distributors and rCB refinishing companies. It will cover an introduction to recovered carbon black, explain different market definitions (top-down market, bottom-up market, potential market etc.), explain market segments and market segment requirements, give estimates for major markets and discuss current market developments in carbon black that will have an impact on the markets for recovered carbon black.
The webinar takes place on June 3, at 9:00 CET and 16:00 CET. To register of read more about the webinar, its contents, dates and price please visit this page.
Currently, we are welcoming all interested parties to learn more about participation fees, webinar schedules and contents, and register online.
To register, please proceed to Weibold’s webinar page.
Weibold is an international consulting company specializing exclusively in end-of-life tire recycling and pyrolysis. Since 1999, we have helped companies grow and build profitable businesses.