OTR tire devulcanization project receives support in Australia
International Mining (IM) magazine reports that MMG’s Dugald River underground zinc mine Cloncurry in Queensland, Australia is tackling how to recycle end-of-life tires. According to the magazine, the mine annually generates about 920 end-f-life tires from technical vehicles and trucks. The Council of Australian Governments decided to ban used and end-of-life tire exports from December 2021, and the country is now facing a growing tire stockpile problem. According to IM, Dugald River and its mining contractor Barminco have investigated alternative tire disposal, supporting a joint venture – REVYRE – program with Energy Estate and InfraCo. Reportedly, a proposed recycling process breaks down and repurposes end-of-life tires into a high value polymer product fit for tire manufacturing and clean high tensile scrap steel. REVYRE is a low emission rubber polymer recovery and re-processing business for end-of-life rubber products including end-of-life tires, conveyor belts and like products. It utilizes award winning, recently commercialized technologies in its two-step recycling process and is the only available genuine industry solution for the re-use of rubber in the circular economy.