Free Webinar held by Aimplas: "Holistic approach to tire recycling" on Sep 24
Resuming in September, Weibold's webinars will continue delivering a high-quality content to anyone contemplating business opportunities in tire recycling or pyrolysis.
In September 2020, Weibold is hosting an online webinar conducted by Luis Roca Blay and Nora Lardiés Miazza from AIMPLAS, Spain. Our previous webinars covering introductory and some advanced topics will be available as recordings on our website.
Special topic: Holistic approach to the recycling of end of life tires (September 24, 2020)
The webinar will be hosted by Weibold's special guests from AIMPLAS (Spain): Luis Roca Blay, mechanical recycling group leader, and Nora Lardiés Miazza, chemical recycling group leader.
The webinar is aimed at companies that want to know the different possibilities that materials from end-of-life tires can offer in terms of new applications and technologies to develop those new products or materials

Nora Lardiés Miazza from AIMPLAS – Chemical Recycling Group leader. | Photo by AIMPLAS.
The webinar will:
- show all the possibilities in terms of technology in the recycling of end-of-life tires;
- introduce and distinguish between mechanical and chemical recycling;
- demonstrate the possibilities of the extracted raw materials from ELT;
- show possible new products from those “new raw materials”, etc.
The webinar takes place on September 24, at 9:00 CET and 16:00 CEST. To register of read more about the webinar, its contents, dates and price please visit this page.
Recordings of previously held webinars
As usual, Weibold's introductory webinars for project initiators, entrepreneurs and other interested parties are available in our online shop. On an introductory level, Weibold's webinars will shed light on economics and technology in tire recycling and pyrolysis both from theoretical and practical as well as business points of view.
In addition, recordings of advanced topics are available as well. Currently available recordings of advanced topics include:
- Introduction to Molded Recycled Rubber Products Manufacturing
- Recovered Carbon Black Markets
- Efficient Fine Grinding of Recovered Carbon Black with Fluidized Bed Jet Mills
- Pyrolysis Oil and the Carbon Black Circular Value Chain
- Roadmap Towards Recovered Carbon Black as a Commodity
To see other recordings and reports available for sale, please procees to Weibold's online shop.
Weibold is an international consulting company specializing exclusively in end-of-life tire recycling and pyrolysis. Since 1999, we have helped companies grow and build profitable businesses.