Weibold is welcoming pyrolysis / tire recycling technology suppliers, researchers and all other interested parties from the industry to hold webinars on our platform. Our audience comprises over 25,000 professionals from tire recycling, pyrolysis and affiliated industries, helping increase your business presence, attract new customers and spread a word about your activities. Benefit from our tire recycling and pyrolysis network we have been building up over the past 22 years.

Contact Agustina Martin for more information.

Next webinar: A Greener Footprint – Recycled Rubber Powder from Tires in Footwear

In October 2020, Weibold is hosting an online webinar by Giorgio Pallanza from TRS (Switzerland). Our previous webinars covering introductory and advanced topics are available as recordings on our website.

The next webinar will be hosted by Weibold's special guest from TRS (Switzerland) – Giorgio Pallanza, New Business Development Manager at TRS.

This webinar sheds light on the use of recycled rubber powder in footwear products; it explains the process designed by the Swiss innovative company Tyre Recycling Solutions (TRS). Also, the webinar aims to increase awareness about the benefits of incorporating performing recycled materials in shoe sole in the footwear industry and highlight new pathways to shoe brands to address customer’s demand for sustainability.

The webinar takes place on October 14, at 9:00 CET and 16:00 CEST. To register of read more about the webinar, its contents, dates and price please visit this page.

Recordings of previously held webinars

As usual, Weibold's introductory webinars for project initiators, entrepreneurs and other interested parties are available in our online shop. On an introductory level, Weibold's webinars will shed light on economics and technology in tire recycling and pyrolysis both from theoretical and practical as well as business points of view.

In addition, recordings of advanced topics are available as well. Currently available recordings of all topics include:

To see other recordings and reports available for sale, please proceed to Weibold's online shop.