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News: Tire Recycling & Pyrolysis

Weibold keeps you abreast of the most important news, events, technology advances and market trends in tire recycling and pyrolysis industry.

State audit reveals the need to improve Utah’s waste tire program

State audit reveals the need to improve Utah’s waste tire program


February 26, 2019

An audit performed by Utah’s Office of the Legislative Auditor General reveals that Utah’s waste tire program needs improvement in waste tire fund utilization, tracking, outreach and oversight. The Utah waste tire program was founded by the Utah legislature in 1990 and is funded by a fee of $1 levied on consumers on every new tire purchased in the state.

New natural rubber statistics published by the ANRPC

New natural rubber statistics published by the ANRPC

Natural Rubber

February 26, 2019

The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) reports that in 2018, world production of natural rubber (NR) accounted for 13.960 million tonnes, which means an increase of 4.6% in output compared to 13.350 million tons in the last year tons. Meanwhile, the world demand recorded an increase of 5.2% (in year-to-year terms) amounting to 14.017 million tons in 2018. According to ANRPC, this led to a deficit in demand of 57,000 tons of NR during the period.

Enviro and Windspace move one step closer to launching tire pyrolysis plant in Denmark

Enviro and Windspace move one step closer to launching tire pyrolysis plant in Denmark


February 26, 2019

Recently, Scandinavian Enviro Systems – the Swedish tire pyrolysis equipment manufacturer – published a press release which tells about the new lease agreement for tire pyrolysis plant site in Denmark, signed by a joint venture of Enviro and Windspace A/S – Elysium Nordic. According to Enviro, Elysium Nordic ApS is the official name of the prospective joint venture launched by Enviro and WindSpace A/S. Reportedly, it has signed a lease agreement with Associated Danish Ports (ADP) on February 5, 2019 for a site in Nyborg harbor on Funen, Denmark. The press release mentions that land lease is valid for 20 years with an extension option for additional 15 years; also, the agreement includes a 5-year option to extend the leased area to enable a phase two of the project that will double its capacity. The plant construction is scheduled to start in 2019, once different commercial questions are settled, and will be completed in 2021. The cost of the project is estimated at DKK 300 million, i.e. over EUR 40,2 million.

Huge tire fire engulfs Garden City in Columbus

Huge tire fire engulfs Garden City in Columbus


February 19, 2019

1,500 tires caught fire at 510 Kenmill Street near the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds Garden City, Columbus, US, on February 1. To put down a massive fire, three fire crews including 20 firefighters arrived at the site where they operated for over an hour. Columbus Township Fire Chief Dave Thompson commented on the incident noting that tankers with water were deployed to effectively eradicate the danger which allowed using in total 6,000 gallons of water. Moreover, tires were covered in foam. No one was injured as a result of the incident.

Signus shares Spain’s success story of studying and using rubberized asphalt mixtures

Signus shares Spain’s success story of studying and using rubberized asphalt mixtures

Rubberized Asphalt

February 18, 2019

A Spanish waste tire management company Signus has released a report outlining the successful implementation of rubberized asphalt mixtures in Spain; the report considers almost all projects carried out in the country with the material since 1996 up to the first quarter of 2017. The report is of great value as currently there are over 1,600 kilometres of road works using crumb rubber from end-of-life tyres (ELT) in Spain.

Chile starts research to boost its tire and other solid waste recycling rates

Chile starts research to boost its tire and other solid waste recycling rates


February 14, 2019

Today, Chile recycles just a small part of all solid waste, including scrap tires, estimated at only 10 percent of waste produced, due to absence of special policies designed specifically to target different kinds of solid waste. To design a policy and succeed in recycling practices, the National Association of the Recycling Industry ANIR ordered the consulting company Sustrend S.P.A. to work on Municipal Solid Waste program by analyzing successful projects around the globe encouraged by Extended Producer Responsibility Systems (EPR).

Fire at a tire pyrolysis facility in the Netherlands

Fire at a tire pyrolysis facility in the Netherlands


February 13, 2019

In the beginning of February, a tire pyrolysis plant of Kargro / Dutch Green Carbon in Nederweert, Netherlands, suffered from fire. No one from the company’s personnel, nor from the residential area adjacent to the plant was injured. The fire department has taken control of the fire and has stated that no increased quantities of dangerous materials have been released.

Minnesota investigates cases of illegal tire incineration

Minnesota investigates cases of illegal tire incineration


February 12, 2019

The Park Rapids DNR Forestry Office received a call from an unidentified person last week who stated that Hubbard County Highway Department practiced illegal tire incineration in Laporte, Minnesota, US. This is alarming as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency warns that unsafe substances are released in the air due to burning tires. Following the reports, Liberty Tire Recycling was contacted with requests to process tires.